Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Week of the 20th-24th

Hey Everyone,

Sorry this is a little late, but the good news is nothing huge happened these past two days. However, there's a bunch going on tomorrow and onward, so...

September 2010

23 Thursday
-Kiev Orchestra is playing for Chapel

24 Friday
-Are you guys available to work on lights with Mr. A? All we need to do is program 5 different settings, it really shouldn't take long.
-Also, if we could get together to clean up the little green room, make sure everything is put away, that would be a great thing to do and get over with.

Other than that we need to start thinking about the Derek Webb Concert. Lacy Hudson got this information together:

1. The Name of the event
Derek Webb's Black Eye Tour

2. The contact phone number

3. The location of the event (include city and state)
Gaither Chapel

4. Special Guests
Derek Webb and Sandra McCracken

5. Date and time of event
Tuesday, Oct 19 7:30PM

6. Reservation deadlines
Monday, Oct 18 (tickets: $10 in advance, $12 at door)

We don't have the technical rider yet, but when we do I'll post it on here and we'll get started on how to prepare.

Thanks for all your effort!
Kelly Jo

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Watson Frawley Meeting

Hey guys,

Watson is coming this Friday at 3:30. This worked for everyone last week, so I assumed it would be okay for this week.

Chris, if you can, I'd like you to talk to Watson about anything he might need or want set up, to make it go faster. He mentioned to me to have some wireless mics, and to have the board on and I think a few more things. His number is 828-777-1352. If you'd just tell him you're part of the a/v crew here and you want to make sure he has everything he needs, that would be really helpful and make everything go faster on Friday.

Also, Teresa Allen asked to have a lapel mic in the fellowship hall at 6pm. She is also having a singer, so if the lapel isn't good for singing, they'll need a wireless mic as well. Lauren/ Chris can one of you set this up?

Kelly Jo

Monday, September 13, 2010

Week of the 13th-17th

Hey guys,

So we have a few things to accomplish this week.

Last week we didn't get the cabinet cleaned out OR met with Watson Frawley to set the feedback busters.

Watson told me Tuesday or Wednesday might be good for him.  But....Chris I know you are pretty busy Wednesday and Lauren, I know Tuesday is busy for you except at like 1 and then you're packed the rest of the day.  So I call him and see if he could possibly do a later day unless one of you gets freed up for some reason.

And then we need to schedule a day for the cabinet, but this time to take into consideration when the lab is open.  So I will check those times out and list the openings and you guys tell me when is good.

Now, for miscellaneous business...

I talked to Edward Brouwer (director at the Montreat Pres church).  He brought a few things to my attention we need to take care of:

Wires draped behind the windows.
-When they shut the windows, they can see a bunch of loose wires

Right now there are 5 settings but they are all the same. Either the lights are all off or all on. Over the summer, it makes the room very hot.

Wednesday Evenings:
Need to get a concrete time schedule. Do we NEED their band practice to end at 8pm? If not, need to talk to Michael or whoever decides the time for the week and give him a heads up.

Speaker in alcove:
Speakers need to be moved or installed or whatever we want to do with them.

Alcove clean:
Keep the little green room clear and clean

Let's try to get all this done soon...maybe this weekend?

Thanks guys,

Kelly Jo

Oh and CHRIS, I still need your schedule :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Week of the 6th-10th

Hey Everyone,

First, I hope this works well.  What I'll do is put up all the events coming up for the week along with who is assigned to that job.  I'll also post general messages on here about updates or anything Mr. Auman needs us to be aware of. 

So here's what we have in store for this week:

Tuesday 9/7:
Lauren will run Convocation

Tuesday 9/7, 2:00 p.m. :
Chris, Lauren and I are meeting in Gaither to get a start on the cabinet and the closet.  We'll need to set up another day to finish up, because I doubt we'll get it all done tomorrow.

Wednesday 9/8, Evening:
Lauren and Chris have Chapel Band practice

Thursday 9/9:
Lauren and Chris run Chapel

Friday 9/10 3:30 p.m. :
Watson comes to help us with the feedback busters in Gaither

My "office" hours are from 9:00 am-11:00am on Tuesday/Thursday. 

Chris & Lauren, if you guys will give me your schedules, I'll post when we all have free time so scheduling events and jobs and stuff will be easier. 

Kelly Jo